. : PoD-8_GaTHERING : .


        Welcome! A good friend of mine, and one of our very own POD-8 members, brought up to me that it has been a long time since we have gotten together and celebrated our great college years, and all the shenanigans we went through. As to alleviate this issue, we declared that we should build a gathering. Alas, as the school year nears, we had to act fast, and set a date, and general time. So, we did. However, due to the very few amount of responses, we changed our gathering from going to a park, and making it a whole-day event, to meeting up at the Claim Jumpers restaurant, and having ourselves a nice meal. The information on the facility is listed below. Hopefully, this will enable some more of us to join, and enojoy a nice gathering, in a nice atmosphere.

Monday, January 15th, 2007
(Martin Luther King Jr. Day)
7:00 P.M. - 8:30 P.M.

Claim Jumper
N 31st Ave & W Beardsley Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85027